Many such cases

By Idiot says "HIPAA violation" - 27/06/2015 01:21 - United States - Roanoke

Today, another idiot was admitted to my hospital with a foreign object up his ass. Yet again, the excuse went along the lines of "I tripped and fell on it." Please, someone tell me how you can accidentally trip anus-first onto the end of a cucumber, which just so happens to have a condom on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 337
You deserved it 2 568

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think lying about it is way worse than owning up to it. It just makes you look stupider than you already look.


well if you know, don't bother to ask next time then

Did it go into an 'Ass Box' like on Scrubs?

My mom works at a hospital, yesterday someone came in saying he "slipped" on the end of a broom, the cap was stuck in his rectum.

My deepest sympathy OP. My mother is a nurse and I've heard some stories; my favorite of which was of a drunk girl that had to have a pool ball surgically removed from her ******. The nurses started a betting pool on which ball it was. It was the 8 ball. Chin up though yeah OP? It's stories like this that keep me in high spirits when I feel like a complete and utter **** up of person because at least I know anal = always have a flared base and I've never done anything that silly.

katydid91 31

I cringed when I read that.

A pool ball is a lot smaller than a baby head - couldn't she just crouch, push very hard and insert two fingers to grap it?

MzZombicidal 36

#138, the ****** is surprisingly pretty deep and it can be very slippery so it probably wasn't possible for her. I'd also assume that she tried everything else she could before going to the hospital since the hospital is usually a last-resort kind of place.

Also, if a doctor couldn't get it out with proper medical tools I doubt her fingers or anything at home could have worked. Surgery is the hospital's last resort.

148, the ****** is not a bottomless pit. It is usually between 1 an 1 1/2 times the length of your fingers and shortens a lot when you crouch. Latex gloves could help with the slipping. The only reason I see how this could get so bad it warrants surgery is if her muscles cramped up and she was not able to consiously losening them.

Brightbulb 39

My coworker is one of those idiots. She will 'slip and fall' onto condom covered foods all the time, to the point that I have watched the intake nurse roll her eyes and say "you fell on what this time". The Dr. asked me once to find her a FWB after a particularly 'stuck' gourd resulted in surgery. I can't imagine her hospital debt.

Just buy her a proper anal vibrator! Give it to the ER for next time she's in there, they can give it to her xD

quarterbird 18

Funniest... FML... EVER!!!

amileah13 26

This made me laugh harder than it probably should have. Thanks for the share op lol