
By LockedOut - 25/07/2009 00:55 - United States

Today, my auto-repairman told me my heavy mass of keys was bad for the ignition switch and suggested I separate my house and car keys. I began to carry my car keys and lock the house keys in my glovebox. My car was stolen. I now have car keys but no car and a house with no house key. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 445
You deserved it 15 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Duckie101 0

I dont think u thought this through

1st off) Always always alwayssss have spare keys! 2nd) If your car got stolen with your house keys.. change your locks. 3rd) It's usually a good idea to have a trusted friend or family member keep a spare house/car key just in case!!! That sucks ass tho!


I agree with all of those who have said lots of keys is very common: I have a car key, a house key, keys for all three of my part-time jobs this summer, a decorative "senior key" from high school, and soon I will have a key to my apartment as well.

z3r0ram 0

i have 3 keyes on me at all times keyes to the DD key to the house key to the lock box for the other keyed things

riseandshine_fml 0

YDI no matter what, but mostly for being stupid enough to keep your house keys in the glovebox. maybe your life is ****** because you don't have a car now, but at least you can save less on gas; as for the house thing, why don't you have a spare?

When are people going to learn that if you value something you should never leave it in your car? People who leave stuff in their vehicles then whine when it (the item or the car) gets stolen totally deserve it. I just laugh when I hear this type of stuff anymore.

wow seriously how many keys do you have that it is too heavy? LOL@ 68!!

I hope you didn't leave anything that has your house address in the glove box or your next FML will be about how someone robbed your house. :(

zolitical 0

Epically genius. Mankind has created this wonderful invention called a purse. Maybe you should step out of that cave. Technology really has dumbed down our society.

Kristoffer 35

YDI for putting the house keys in your glove box instead of your pocket. I have two sets of keys, my work keys and my personal keys, they're on a separator keyring so I can keep them together, or separate them, as I see fit. Each set has a key to my truck. The set I'm not using to start my truck stays in my pocket.

Okay why would you separate your house key, rather than whatever other heavy shit you have on the keyring?? Secondly, don't listen to mechanics without researching anything.... That's #1 on the list of things to learn when you're female.