
By LockedOut - 25/07/2009 00:55 - United States

Today, my auto-repairman told me my heavy mass of keys was bad for the ignition switch and suggested I separate my house and car keys. I began to carry my car keys and lock the house keys in my glovebox. My car was stolen. I now have car keys but no car and a house with no house key. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 445
You deserved it 15 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Duckie101 0

I dont think u thought this through

1st off) Always always alwayssss have spare keys! 2nd) If your car got stolen with your house keys.. change your locks. 3rd) It's usually a good idea to have a trusted friend or family member keep a spare house/car key just in case!!! That sucks ass tho!


I carry my house key and my car key on the same ring, and have all of my other unimportant keys somewhere else. You should probably always have your house key on you....

schinthalapuri 0

Break into your house That's what I had to do when there was no power so, the garage wouldn't open and the keys for the front door were inside.

bleedinglovw 0

1)What were you thinking putting them in your glove box 2)If it's only two key's put them in your back pocket or something DUH

I use a break away keychain, my igniton key on one end, the keyless entry remote and other keys on the other end. This is handy in many ways, such as when I forget something and need to make a quick trip into the house, or warming my car up in the winter, or I leave it running to stay warm or cool while I go into a store, I can easily unlock the house without turning off the car, or leave it locked and running when I'd like to. Problem solved.

umm your house key is ONE key..your car key is ONE key..those should only be two keys that you want to be together. everything else (garage, work, back doors) could've been kept separate. that way, you wouldn't be screwed. still, that sucks so FYL and YDI.

TheyCallMeStromz 0

No no, you have failed. The idea is to keep the keys off the ring in the ignition, when out of the ignition, TAKE THE KEYS WITH YOU. DONT LEAVE THEM!

Seriously? Bad for the ignition switch? You got hosed, my friend.

balanceMMX 0

Ever heard of pockets? They're really quite handy. Sorry but you deserved that.