
By LockedOut - 25/07/2009 00:55 - United States

Today, my auto-repairman told me my heavy mass of keys was bad for the ignition switch and suggested I separate my house and car keys. I began to carry my car keys and lock the house keys in my glovebox. My car was stolen. I now have car keys but no car and a house with no house key. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 445
You deserved it 15 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Duckie101 0

I dont think u thought this through

1st off) Always always alwayssss have spare keys! 2nd) If your car got stolen with your house keys.. change your locks. 3rd) It's usually a good idea to have a trusted friend or family member keep a spare house/car key just in case!!! That sucks ass tho!


as a fellow former technician, i can tell you that it's not problem to have the necessities on your key chain. mind contain house key, car key and remote, little discount key cards, and one small keychain. it's when youhave the work keys and oodles of unnecessary keychains that the problem starts. and maybe you have a purse? extra keys can go in there.

why the hell would you lock the house key in the glove box? havent you heard of a pocket! god, public schooling really let some people down..

caught22 0

you obviously are somewhere with internet so you're not that bad off. and... ever heard of a locksmith? they can change your locks. hello!!! still sucks about your car. but you are not "locked out of your house" really.

VoGuE221 5

you didn't give someone a spare house key in case you lose yours?

may_cause_fail 0

I get the feeling that two keys wouldn't kill your ignition. Maybe if you had lots of useless keychains with them, then it would be a problem. But two keys? Lol. Clearly, you need a better solution. It would have also been a problem if you had lost your car keys or something similar, which happens often. YDI.

love_fml_a_lot 0

dumbest fml ever.... wasn't even enjoyable to read FYL cause that sucks but don't but stupid stuff that isn't even worth looking at on here

idiot; you totally deserve this one. Just because you seperate them doesn't mean you should ever not have them on your person! What a dumbass...

Phil's gonna get a Reptar space helmet for Christmas... but he doesn't have his Reptar doll. And Lil's gonna get crayons... but she doesn't have her coloring book! I'm bad, Cynthia. Real bad.

manoverboard 0

ROTFLMFAO. That made my day. I LOVE Rugrats.

theoneandonlyme 0

my mom told me the same exact advice over the weekend, and im from michigan too. she probably heard it from the same guy lol

ok my thing is ONE car key and ONE house key!!! why do you have a mass?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!