
By LockedOut - 25/07/2009 00:55 - United States

Today, my auto-repairman told me my heavy mass of keys was bad for the ignition switch and suggested I separate my house and car keys. I began to carry my car keys and lock the house keys in my glovebox. My car was stolen. I now have car keys but no car and a house with no house key. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 445
You deserved it 15 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Duckie101 0

I dont think u thought this through

1st off) Always always alwayssss have spare keys! 2nd) If your car got stolen with your house keys.. change your locks. 3rd) It's usually a good idea to have a trusted friend or family member keep a spare house/car key just in case!!! That sucks ass tho!


I'm voting YDI on this one. Seriously, HOW many keys could you possibly need on your everyday keychain? House, Car, maybe a padlock key for your storage unit or something, office perhaps... Anything else can go on a separate chain, hung on a hook next to the door. Srsly.

honestly it sounds like you just got scammed by the auto repairman because 2 keys is in no way too heavy for the ignition, and you should keep your house and car keys with you at all times.

bob_swagger 0

how is it a scam if the mechanic isnt making anything off of it and just informing her?

because maybe the mechanic made a copy of her car key and took it knowing that the house keys were in the glove compartment

bob_swagger 0
AJ872 0

Like he knows she's going to be stupid enough to lock her guys in her glovebox.

So now you're going to have a house and no stuff. If your house key is in your glove box, your registration is probably in there too.... with your address. Change the locks... like.... right now....

Okay, somebody's already mentioned that her mechanic-husband agrees that a large, heavy bunch of keys will damage the ignition in some way. What I take issue with is that although you were following your mechanic's advice, he didn't tell you to lock the other keys in the glove compartment. I would have kept them in a pocket or in my bag... And I agree with everyone else - NEVER hide a key on your property. You might as well leave your doors unlocked if you're going to hide a key on the porch!

irishdancer 0

Well. You might want to get a garage door opener (if you have a garage) because it sure comes in handy. Or next time, give a trusted neighbor a key incase you don't have one.

alwaysalady 0

Why not put your house keys in your pocket or your bag? Or, you could have gone fourth grade on it and put your house key on a chain around your neck?

Make new housekeys and take the bus. Simple as that.

Change your locks and take the bus. Simple as that.

Essentials 0

I am they gatekeeper. Are you the keymaster? I carry 3 keys. house, car and mailbox. that's it. the rest, which are for work, are secured at work. sucks more that your car got stolen. get your house locks changed or your house is next.

You can't possibly have enough car keys and house keys to justify separating them. Here is a way out their idea keep ONE carkey and ONE house key on the same keychain. Wow wild concept huh?

I agree. And even if you do have enough keys to fill a keychain, haven't you ever heard of a purse? I'd never lock my house keys in the glove compartment. In a way, YDI

softbonez 0

My mother works at a bank, so she has lots of keys. So does my dad. People can have lots of keys.