
By LockedOut - 25/07/2009 00:55 - United States

Today, my auto-repairman told me my heavy mass of keys was bad for the ignition switch and suggested I separate my house and car keys. I began to carry my car keys and lock the house keys in my glovebox. My car was stolen. I now have car keys but no car and a house with no house key. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 445
You deserved it 15 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Duckie101 0

I dont think u thought this through

1st off) Always always alwayssss have spare keys! 2nd) If your car got stolen with your house keys.. change your locks. 3rd) It's usually a good idea to have a trusted friend or family member keep a spare house/car key just in case!!! That sucks ass tho!


hahahaha it was probly the auto repairman who made a copy of your key ;)

Jakojan 4

i agree with 114. how do you have so many keys if all it is is your house and car keys? maybe if youre married you have your husbands car key but thats still only 3...

MyKillz 0
hassenpfeffermmm 0

lol it's like you're more upset about losing the key than your car.

how can car have been stolen when u have the keys

b_rad_fml 4

You're a bigger idiot than the OP if you seriously think cars are only stolen if the thief can get access to the keys.

Quidam_fml 0

Seeing as OP is a chick, I don't get why she didn't just put her keys in her purse!!

Pyrodron 0

1) Should of had less keys. 2) Should of had a spare. 3) You couldn't put them in your purse why?

The OP has a very suitable username in regards to this fml post.

How is it that you have so many keys that you're damaging your ignition, but no spares?