
By annoym - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I spent my day creating a new type of laugh, and performing it in my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 346
You deserved it 14 247

Same thing different taste


As long as you were perfecting an evil laugh, I see no problem here.

perdix 29

To perfect it, you're going to have to do it out loud. Record it and then listen or watch the recording to see if it comes out like you intend. Next, you're going to have to establish when you are going to unleash this killer laugh. Is it going to replace your giggle, your chuckle, your snicker, your guffaw or your belly laugh? Hire a focus group to guide your decision.

I seriously just spent a good 5 minutes reading through all the comments looking for your comment...

katieismyname 2

Maybe if it was an evil laugh for Halloween.. But a new laugh?? I don't honk that's possible YDI all the way

Katie is honking. She's got her honking face on.

Jakesterk96 8

NkShe really does. Maybe we should do some honking every once in a while.

At least you won't have a bad laugh anymore.

livefreelylee 0

Has everyone been complaining about your cackling lately? :(

Carmelo77 2