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May the force live long and prosper

By stardad - This FML is from back in 2019 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my ex purposely taught our kids to call all the Star Wars characters by Star Trek names. I’m not sure what bothers me more, the fact that she did it, or the fact that it makes me utterly insane when they say them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 828
You deserved it 590

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I like the part where Capt. James T. Skywalker gets advice from Obi-Wan Spock on rescuing Princess Uhura. Your head might be exploding like the Death Enterprise at the end of “The Wrath of Binks.” Oops. Spoiler alert.

I like the Star Wars poster that has all the characters in it wearing Star Trek uniforms, but all the actors on the poster are from Firefly.


I like the part where Capt. James T. Skywalker gets advice from Obi-Wan Spock on rescuing Princess Uhura. Your head might be exploding like the Death Enterprise at the end of “The Wrath of Binks.” Oops. Spoiler alert.

I like the Star Wars poster that has all the characters in it wearing Star Trek uniforms, but all the actors on the poster are from Firefly.

TheMightyMrJ 6

actually Death Enterprise sounds like a cool name for an evil organization.

So do it right back but with make up and woman's clothes, like foundation you can call it paint or cement, high heels become hooker stilts 🤣🤣😂

that's actually a pretty funny prank though, not really an fml situation though

Getting mad about it truly makes it a fml situation. The fact that op knows about it and writes about it on this site gives me a new hope that he and the next generation will enjoy watching star whatever together in the future.

That’s a creative way to use kids as weapons. And it’s something you and your kids will laugh about later.

Except for when they get beat up for showing the other kids how Darth McCoy said, “Luke, I am your father” in Klingon.

Dude, did you see the trailer for the Obi-Wan spin-off series?! It's the ******* shit! It's got C-3PO, a blonde Rey, and Yoda's a ******* dog! I can't wait!

Biological and psychological warfare in one move. You should be outrageously proud of having such a demonic genius of a wife. Also, I recommend NEVER actually pissing her off...