Merry Xmas

By Christmas sucks - 24/12/2012 01:03 - United States - Boston

Today, I was wrapping presents for my daughter, trying to be really quiet. Behind me, the cat decided to climb the tree, which then fell on top of me and I couldn't move. My daughter had to help me up. She now knows everything she's getting for Christmas this year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 881
You deserved it 4 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This close to the actual holiday, I don't think it matters much.

Wow. I find it amazing how you would know that this exact same thing would happen if you owned a cat.


Well, heavy tree? Maybe too much decorating? How can the daughter do anything you can't?


Maybe you should learn where the caps lock key is...

Kristoffer 35

fyl for the tree thing at least, the presents should be the least of your concern as long as you're safe.

perdix 29

Even worse, the CAT knows what it's getting for Christmas, too! They still think presents come from Santa Claws.

september1395 7

I'm pretty sure you're getting life alert for Christmas...

The wording of this makes it sound like the tree fell on OP not the cat.

mrphychrs 5

if the tree was light enough to fall when a cat climbed it... how in the world would you need help getting it off you, it was probably 20 pounds at most

Aww it's okay, it's just early now... Maybe get two more present ( nothing expensive) just to watch her open... It's better than doing nothing on Christmas or play games... My mom use to warp gifts in the den and make everyone hide in their bedrooms until she was done

OH the CHRISTMAS TREE! Glad I read the comments, this FML had me thinking you were wrapping presents in the back yard and your dinosaur of a cat managed to knock a tree over somehow.

hannnahmarie 14

Least it's close to the holidays, and I'm sure she wouldn't mind seeing then early

coolhandluke60 6

If I had a twitter I'd follow u:) buttttt I don't. -__- haha but your really pretty;)