Meth heads

By Noname - 10/03/2009 15:01 - United States

Today, a man in my town was arrested for hiding methamphetamine in a hollowed out walking cane and distributing it to the population of his retirement complex. That man was my 58 year-old father. FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 300
You deserved it 3 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jennaleighhh 0
littlec_fml 0

haha where'd you think he got your allowance money from?


b4sk3tb4ll 0

#6 has it!! He just shifted his career interests. Buy fyl

Lmao, props for spelling methanphetamine right ;D

You actually spelled methamphetamine incorrectly

Oh wow, he spelled one letter wrong. Give him a break.

Was he selling them or giving away? If he was selling, did he at least share his profits with you?

dopebaby420 0
kaitlyn3xo 0

why does your 58 year old father live in a retirement complex? that's not even that old

MeatSucks777 0

that's disgusting drugs are for losers