By apparantlyStupid - 27/06/2012 23:28 - Canada - Okotoks
By apparantlyStupid - 27/06/2012 23:28 - Canada - Okotoks
By lehonX9 - 06/06/2015 09:11 - Germany - Hanover
By FFS - 06/05/2018 01:30
By cazorp - 05/01/2012 11:43 - United States
By But you drink alcohol though - 19/04/2023 03:00
By stepshart - 21/08/2014 19:30 - Canada - Thunder Bay
By Anonymous - 26/01/2016 03:44 - United States - Arcadia
By Anonymous - 29/11/2021 05:01
By Fear of the unflushed…for life, the sentencing. - 10/06/2023 08:00 - United States
By ugh - 01/12/2015 03:52 - Canada - Lethbridge
By Anonymous - 14/02/2022 16:01
Could be worst......like finding needles in her room.....just smoke a bowl with her and laugh about it
That's so..... Stupid funny XD
Is she over 18? If not then its your right. Lol. Your house. Your rules.
E tPothead? So you say "pot" is a drug. Do some research. Marijuana has absolutely no bad side effects to your body or brain. It's a natural substance, and helps cure the soul. You wouldn't say alcohol is a drug would you? Because its legal? There's only one reason marijuana is illegal. And that's because someone through a fit that hemp was selling majorly. He was just a big baby who cared nothing about anything but money. It cures cancer, and helps depression. What is so wrong with her smoking pot? Be happy she's not taking a bottle of benedryl to get high, or tripping on LSD ((which might I add, has no harmful side effects either)) marijuana is a way of life. Let it happen. She won't want to stop...
Obviously, you are borderline retarded and did not check *your* facts. Marijuana is, in fact, a drug. So is alcohol, so are cigarettes. They all alter your brain, therefor are all considered drugs. Marijuana does not cure cancer. It is used to counteract the adverse effects of chemotherapy - nausea, pain, etc. LSD is harmful to the body - it stays in your body forever and you can actually have a bad trip years after actually taking LSD. Shall I continue or is that explanation enough as to why what you said was completely idiotic?
Exactly the point. It's just a damn plant. Gods gift. It's here to stay
You know, I started reading #210's comment fully expecting unadulterated bullshit, but even I was speechless when she actually claimed that weed cures cancer. Really? ******* really? This is the end result of all her years in our education system??? Someone pass me a revolver.
So calling people "retarded" is an insult to you? Wow. I pray to God you are gifted with a child who has a mental disorder. That is the most ****** up thing I have ever heard. Here http://patients4medicalmarijuana.wordpress.com/2010/01/04/marijuana-cures-cancer-us-government-has-known-since-1974/ You piece of shit. Go to your local library and get a book on cancer. And LSD, it stays in your spine. Yes. But there has not been one person who has "tripped" years afterwards. If that were true, then people would buy one dosage and never buy it again. Dumbass.
Actually, no I was stating that you must be literally retarded to believe that, not using it as an insult. My child is perfectly healthy, thank you. Also, no, it does not cure cancer. Anything that says it does is not factually based. And yes, there HAVE been cases of people having a trip years after taking LSD. No, it does not happen to everyone, but yes it can happen. In fact, I know someone that it happened to. I'll gladly have him contact you if you think you're such a genius on the matter.
When will people learn that smoking is bad. In 30 years you can times the price of a pack of cigs by each day of the year if you were to buy a pack each day and then times that by 30 years. How much money is being wasted? Also, your lungs never heal so they will be permenantly damaged.
Wow. Outsmarted by teenager
Number of deaths per year from weed: zero
Correction: Number of deaths due to overdose of weed: 0 Weed can cause death indirectly. If you get high then start driving and cause an accident, isn't the cause of that accident partially due to being high? Also, smoking anything will damage your lungs, so are you not counting that too? Because if not then we can cut down the number of deaths caused by alcohol too, because I'm pretty sure there's not a whole lot of deaths due to nothing but alcohol poisoning... Also can cut the number of deaths due to cigarettes down to zero as well, as I'm pretty sure nobody has managed to "overdose" on cigarettes...
You are a prime example of what's wrong with parents these days. They fear their own kids and let them get away with anything because they're too stupid/scared of getting sued for child abuse to discipline them. I can't imagine how you let yourself get outsmarted by a teenage pothead. Sounds like you aren't cut out to be a parent.
parents these days..
So you just let the drug abuse continue?