Monster Munch

By Stupid_Chick - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I found out that my family hides food from me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 606
You deserved it 19 549

Top comments

kevtheloser 0

Which of your chins are they hiding the food under?

rachelauren11 0

^^^ heyyy! I'm not fat and my family hides food from me too.


kevtheloser 0

Which of your chins are they hiding the food under?

FYLDeep 25

I'd probably stash it right next to the scale. That way I know you won't be reaching for it.

You must be eating all the good food op. How about you buy your own food and keep a stash for yourself somewhere. Problem solved.

perdix 29

They're probably hiding your boyfriend, your new car, your dream job, your Lady GaGa backstage passes and your 24 karat gold whine goblet from you, too.

perdix 29

Thanks. That's quite intentional. I was tempted to describe a whole "I Spy" scene, but that would have been a bit much.

hahaa I see. I must say I especially love the lady gaga passes. lol. I'm so excited to see her in concert.

perdix 29

We're trying to go, too, but the tickets seemed to have been devoured by the ticket agencies (aka, scalpers.) I just have to decide how much of my scalp I have to part with to go.

haha:) my dad got me tickets for my birthday. and my grandma is going with me?? it's sure to be an interesting night!

Lady Gaga wouldn't be easy to hide, perdix :)

perdix 29

drama, I wouldn't be surprised if your grandma says she's a copy of Madonna. When she sings "Alejandro" (sp?), Grandma will say, "This is a nice remake of 'La Isla Bonita.'" and, blankett, you are right, GaGa is everywhere! I've heard her on the country/western station and the classical music station; she's was even a panelist on "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me." Hard to miss, but, then again, so is food.

she'll have some opinion I'm sure. do you watch gLee? If so did you see the gaga episode?

jooormannn 0

fat Americans .. ps how do I put up uh picture of myself for fml accounts ..?

are you on an iPod? cause if so you can't.

Mr_Zachary 0

The FML is posted from Canada...

They do it most likely for your own good.

Erindub 0

They hide sex toys and $ from you too. Stupid family!

the_boob 0

it's called willpower, bigstuff. get some.

Sounds to me like thats your family's subtle way of telling you to stop eating all the godamm food in the house! Especially when you know the food is not yours, just because it is in a fridge or cupboard doesn't give you the right to eat it. I hope that one day when you move away from home you end up sharing a room/house with someone who likes to eat/use all your stuff. Then you will see how annoying it is!