By birthday girl - 27/10/2012 00:14 - Australia

Today, it was my birthday. My mom didn't buy me a present, throw a party, or acknowledge the event in any way. Last week it was our dog's birthday, which included a party for all the neighbourhood dogs, and a cake for our dog, made out of bacon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 238
You deserved it 2 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Start Barking and youll get all the attention you want


Sounds like my mom's dad. His dog is his favorite daughter

Poor dog, bacon is not good for dogs :/

Bacon isn't technically good for anyone, but it's freakin' delicious.

You can buy bacon bit treats for dogs

bleedingglitter 24

It's not real bacon though, just flavored bits of crap. Real bacon ruins a dog's pancreas.

I feel your pain, OP. On my last birthday, my in-laws cancelled the plans my husband painstakingly made, insisting that we all stay home and celebrate their dog's birthday. As we were singing "happy birthday" to the dog, one of my sisters-in-law suddenly remembered it was my birthday too and hastily added my name to the end of the song.

And your husbands was ok with canceling your bday plans for the dogs? I'd flip disown them and file for divorce.

I was just about to say - you actually went?! I wouldn't advocate divorce but I'm surprised you even considered going to their dog's party over your own..

Thats bad ass. I hope you got a chance to have some of that cake.

Hey we share the same birthday happy birthday

RedPillSucks 31

No. Bacon does not make dogs sick. Where did you hear that?

agonydrum 7
metaphoristic 8

Actually bacon would be pretty bad for dogs. It's rich and fatty and quite salty, which isn't good for them

metaphoristic 8

Maybe if you give them bacon as a treat once or twice a year or something... Some studies showed that dogs developed illnesses and allergies during Christmas time due to having been fed bacon and pork leftovers. Just saying, I wouldn't recommend it :p

It won't kill them but it's really hard on their digestive system. If you feed them more than a few strips they'll probably throw up or get horrible diarrhea.

Yeah! How old are you?? If you're under 18, then I'm sorry! If you're an adult, then suck it up! Happy B'day, anyway!! BTW, I've thrown a doggie B'day party or 2!