Never forget

By mariokarter - 28/08/2009 04:41 - United Kingdom

Today, on the train on the way to my mother's house, I was playing Mario Kart with my son. He got a 'bomb' item, and yelled quite loudly, "I have a bomb!" Panic ensued. We got thrown off the train at the next stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 649
You deserved it 7 006

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i really really hope the last part is a lie, and instead you just got glared at, my faith in the people of this country is low enough as it is.

FlaminYawn 0

at least he didn't yell "I've got mushrooms and a bullet", or "I've got 3 shells, these guys in front of me are about to get hit"


I expected more from you United Kingdom, you were supposed to show me how to be a better American. I bet the same thing would happen here though. I didn't expect it from the UK however.

I love how everyone assumes that the UK is somehow supposed to be better than to be scared of someone saying bomb on public transport. I have lived Connecticut, Toronto and UK during my life, and let me tell you we are all much more similar than you would might think.

primogen18 0

Ah, gotta love the weird shit a good game of Mario Kart will make you say. I remember having 3 other friends over and we would all be having a great time playing Mario Kart 64/Double Dash/Wii, and wondering just what the **** the neighbors thought of some of the stuff we were yelling out. "******* shells!" "oh sweet, mushroom!" "OH SHIT A BLUE SHELL!" "ok who got lightening?" "wow your pounding really screwed me up!". Now every so often I play MK Wii online while on the phone with the friend I'm playing and if anyone is tapping wires out there, they must think we have one HELL of a drug problem and are tripping constantly....

Ha, you're too cool. You should give me your friend code ;)

That's SO illegal, you deserved that so much. Just be glad you weren't arrested. Also, it's illegal to say hijack in any airport, even if you are talking to a friend named Jack.

How does he deserve it? His probably around the age of 7 year old son said it, how was the child suppose to know it was illegal. People are way too paranoid ay

You're one of those idiots who passes off everything you hear as a confirmed fact. I bet you watch Fox and also think that Obama is a Muslim who wants to force doctors to kill old people too.

actually, the way you put it is kinda true. Technically he's descendant of Muslims (his father and grandfather, not his great great great grandparents), and he does actively support euthanasia. But of course the way you wrote it sounds very hateful and makes any person who thinks so hateful. But I can find a nice way to say the same thing, as late term abortion is a nice way of saying "killing a newborn baby." It's the same idea.

mekeskidi_fml 0

nypd613, technically, as a Christian, you're descendant of Adam's incestuous descendants.

his father was not a muslim. his grandfather was though. And for all you ignorant republicans who watch fox new obama was born i hawaii

this is fake, if someone yelled that : 1st they would make sure you werent kidding ( in this step you could say that it was a game, and show them) or maybe they would inspect you 2nd they would stop the train and make everybody get down of it to check the train. fake!!!!

monnanon 13

They probably got thrown off for causing a scene not for people believing that they actaully had a bomb

yeah they didn't ACTUALLY believe that. and aside from that, if you think there's really a possibility of someone having a bomb, you don't "check to make sure they weren't kidding." You take them down! no questions asked.

OMGitsKaleyxo 0

dude. that game is the funnest game ever.

YamahaMama09 0

Hahaha......I'm sorry, thats just funny.

I hate the fact how us asainz( in the U.k were called asain, not middle eastern or indain w.e u americans call us) get prejudice just cause some guys blew them selves up

That's how it is, colonel_crunk, get used to it. It's the same with every nationality. I get certain attitudes from people after I identify myself as Jewish, when a few seconds ago the same person I was talking to was "totally nice". All niceness and politeness fly out the window, and I know what it's like to be stereotyped.

just because that is how something is, doesn't make it ok

its not funny to make jokes about such a serious issue

He wasn't making a joke. He was a little kid playing a game and he didn't realize what everyone else would think he meant.

HAHAH LMAO. why would they take it seriously from a kid? did you explain what happened? lmao