Never gets old

By Anonymous - 26/07/2013 03:15 - United States - Kannapolis

Today, I was in a training about the newest changes in CPR. The trainer was discussing chest compression techniques and said she prefers "good, fast, hard pumping." I was the only one who snickered out loud, drawing several annoyed looks from the other trainees. I'm a 45-year-old doctor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 915
You deserved it 20 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No worries, I'd have done the same thing.

Nothing wrong with that..I think it's amusing too..specially if the trainer is cute ;) Look on the bright side - Maybe you were the only one in the room who feels 25..and the rest maybe 25 but going in 70..


I don't care who you are, that's funny.

Its all about performance. Pump hard enough and maybe they will come back... To life..

hell yes I would have laughed! but, I laugh whenever someone says "duty". it's my main character flaw :(

There is nothing wrong with a childish sense of humor. However you deserve the response you got because of that sense of humor. It was inappropriate in that situation and you have sole responsibility of bringing that harsh look upon yourself. You may deserve it but it doesn't make you bad or wrong, just inappropriate!

Sometimes people learn better and remember things when they are laughing and having a good time.

guyverzerox 6

You are an awesome 45 year old Doctor!!!

doulenkd 7

They are all just stuck up don't worry about it I would've been laughing with you I know a lot of older guys you laugh at that stuff they need a prescription for a sense of humor :)

There's no age limit on laughing at double entendre!

I was the only one in health class who laughed at the teacher who kept saying penis, sperm, testes, and ******.

maverick628 4

We in the medical profession tend to find the humor in a lot of training classes. I do the same thing, so it's not just you

skyeyez9 24

As soon as I read those three words, I giggled as well. Your CPR class is full of boring people OP.