Never say easy

By Anonymous - 25/06/2009 19:22 - United States

Today, I decided to make pancakes from scratch. I poured the batter in my Perfect Pancake pan. Then I told my brother who was watching, "This is so easy. Just watch." I burned 15 pancakes, including the one I dropped on the burner, which lit on fire, causing the alarm to go off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 431
You deserved it 53 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh no! you're life sucks cuz you can't make a pancake.

iHavetoPiss 0


Know what you're doing before you make an ass of yourself in front of other people... And making pancakes isn't that difficult anyway, how could you burn them?? (this is coming from a novice cook)

pancakes: bisquick batter eggs milk mix in bowl pour into skillet or put on a griddle let cook until the bottom is a solid mass flip over and cook other side until a solid mass eat Not that hard. Sorry but you sound like my aunt who could burn water. I know that is impossible but she can't cook for a damn.

Bisquick batter pancakes are nasty. Either get a mix designed for specially for pancakes, or make it from scratch. It is not hard to do at all.

Umm did anyone think that maybe it was the Perfect Pancake Pan that sucked and not the person? I mean it is possible this person burnt the pancakes...

CyclonePsycho 1

Mhm. 15 pancakes are just way too much.

hmm yea that's true...i like to try and give people the benefit of the doubt first lol

xx3ginaxx3 0

Everyones saying YDI, but I clicked FML for you. I had a similar thing happen to me once: "Today, I was hungry and decided to eat some pancakes. Unfortunately, I'm not the best of cooks and I had to wake my sister up and ask her to make me a pancake. She got mad at me, and refused to make me a pancake. Frustrated, I screamed at her , "FINE! I DONT NEED YOU TO MAKE ME A PANCAKE!" I then walked into the kitchen, determined to "show her." Twenty minutes later, I was left with 5 burnt pancakes & 3 pancakes that were wayy underdone. In the end; i had to go back to my sister & beg her to make me pancake. The worst part? I'm sixteen, she's nine. FML" so yes, i've had a similar experience & I'm sorry you had to get embarassed.

I would've clicked YDI. Nobody wants to be woken up and asked to cook, that's just rude.

stringoffail 0

Wow... people really are as lame as the actors from the Perfect Pancake commercial. :) If your butter is smoking, your pan is too hot. Turn it way down. Invest in an infrared thermometer and you'll never burn food again.

FYL for having to live through the rest of your life

Wonderman_fml 0

I don't know what a "perfect pancake" pan is, but your heat's too high. Use cast iron and a medium/high heat. When the bubbles pop around the edges and leave a hole, it's time to flip 'em.

YDI OP, Alton Brown would crucify you for purchasing a unitask kitchen aid.

Hah:P Alton Brown is a cooking Jesus. The Perfect Pancake is a retarded machine, all you need is a cast iron griddle and a spatula.