Next step

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, after my son graduated from nursing school which I, as a single parent, paid for with blood, sweat, and tears, during his grad party he was asked what his next step was. His response was, "Eh, I kinda realized I hate nursing." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 929
You deserved it 3 819

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he finished. I'm a nurse and knew a few who quit half way through. He's always got it if he changed his mind later.

He should have known at least half way through is courses that he didn't want to be a nurse.


Ew well hes a male nurse better him quit now or later...

Maybe he realized being a nurse is a woman's job

leadman1989 15

Guy nurses always freak me out. They remind me of the orderlies back in my years at the institution! So clean and quite and peaceful SHUT UP I can't hear myself THINK!

One of the reasons I decided to go to a public (free) university is that i wouldnt have to hear shit from my father. I am sorry you feel that you "lost" all your money, but dont you think your son's happiness is more important?

bubo_fml 10

And to think that all those cute little nurse dresses you bought for him to wear will go to waste!

p33lzhear 6

thats fine, he can still find himself and pay you back while working at walmart for that wasted education so next time he picks something he'll think long and hard now that he knows how much those classes cost exactly. this is one of my biggest fears when i have a kid.

Dude, stop being such dicks. He said he didn't like it. Yeah, young people usually don't really know what they want to do with their lives. But that doesn't mean he won't put his course to use and maybe do something he likes when he's financially independent. That's what I would do.