Next step

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, after my son graduated from nursing school which I, as a single parent, paid for with blood, sweat, and tears, during his grad party he was asked what his next step was. His response was, "Eh, I kinda realized I hate nursing." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 929
You deserved it 3 819

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he finished. I'm a nurse and knew a few who quit half way through. He's always got it if he changed his mind later.

He should have known at least half way through is courses that he didn't want to be a nurse.


gymnasts14 0

should've told him what my parents tell me. "you either get a full scholarship or join the military because I'm not gonna pay your damn schooling for you"

He can atleast use his nursing degree to put himself through another program.

KiddNYC1O 20

Persuade him to stick to it, the economy isn't getting better anytime soon...

Wish you would've been my mom...when I went to college my parents said,"So....whats good with those scholarships?". Luckily I did find a full ride scholarship, but I don't think I know anyone with that kind of money to just pay for college straight outta pocket...must be a rich thing.

he may be aware of your sacrifices, maybe that's why he finished his degree at all? Also, now you can tell him to get a job when he comes asking for money for whatever it is he wants to do next. If he wants to study something else, then let him pay for it himself.

He is just burnt out on it! I told my husband the same thing as soon as I graduated nursing school! He will change his mind after being out for a while and realize he likes it again!

You guys are all idiots, he did exactly the right thing, once your committed you have to pay, so if you finished it or not you still have to pay. He did the good thing of completing his course and passing so the money is not a waste. To all the people who said ungrateful and he's scum he's not. You can't just force yourself to like something, heaps of people take the wrong course at uni or polytech or any other institute. It's not always black and white what you want to do with your life. To those who it is, great you have something to aim for and will probably be more motivated in your studies. My friend thought he wanted to do biology, half way through he realised I don't want to do this, but he completed the course got his degree and then moved to the police force. Does this make him an ungrateful dick for not carrying on with biology. I seriously think not. Now actually think before you type,

token_blackguy 18

Why'd you pay for it? He's an adult.

Not everyone graduates high school and is suddenly a fully responsible, independent adult. He's still her child and she wanted to help him to get an education. My parents are paying for my education with the help of financial aid, because I would be physically and psychologically unable to hold a job and go to college simultaneously.

i would pay for my child to help them get the best start in life.

XxDancerGirlxX 17

I'm in nursing. I switched major from pre vet to nursing. I pay for everything, books, tuition, etc. At least your son had someone to pay for his. Ungrateful, he could have changed his major.

XxDancerGirlxX 17

I'm in nursing. I switched major from pre vet to nursing. I pay for everything, books, tuition, etc. At least your son had someone to pay for his. Ungrateful, he could have changed his major.