Nice, thanks!

By somnolence - 17/09/2016 21:20 - United States - Beaverton

Today, I wanted to take a nap after cleaning my apartment, so I put the trash outside the front door and put a note on the door for my roommate, saying, "Please take the trash out when you leave for work." When I woke up, the note was gone but the trash was still there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 389
You deserved it 1 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time if you want to take the trash out just carry your roommate out yourself

at least the roommate took themselves out.


Mybe the op's trash can is like a community dumpster and it's really far away and his roommate passes it on the way to work

Or OP could take out the trash and the roommate clean the apartment next time.

I guess I should have mentioned I have a broken ankle. & the dumpster is on the way to her car, it's impossible to miss.

Well at least you got an FML posted to cheer you up a bit :)

In which case it's perfectly reasonable to ask your roomie to take the garbage out. If she were in a similar situation, you would help her, right?

My sisters would argue who did chores, let's hope it doesn't come to that, OP.

#22, for all we know, "cleaning the apartment" just means tossing all the beer cans from a party they threw into the trash bag they then commanded their roommate to take out. It may mean doing their own dishes. What is a fair share of the work isn't determined by what one person left a note telling the other to do, it's determined by conversation between the involved parties ending in some consensus (or at least compromise).

Sounds like you need a new roommate!!!!! Things should be 50/50

The trash can't be that far, 2 minutes less of a nap isn't gonna kill you

polsen4273 8

Its incredibly rude to keave a note like that. How did you imagine this going down? I have lived with roomates for a long time, and anytime one has left a note, the relationship deteriorated and they began to hate eachother

It probably took just as long to find paper/pen/tape, write a note, and tape it up as it would've to take the bag of trash outside.