Nice theory

By Anonymous - 04/09/2015 14:54 - Portugal - Alhandra

Today, my boyfriend thinks he's discovered a big conspiracy by dentists to sell toothpaste. He's arguing that nobody needs to brush their teeth, ever, because all the "new plaque" from food will dissolve the "old plaque", and the only thing he needs to use is breath spray. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 540
You deserved it 2 404

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pleasedie 22

Congratulations ! You're dating one of those special types of idiots

Find some scientific evidence to back up the view that you need to actually brush your teeth. If he still doesn't believe that, then tell him having decayed teeth isn't fun. His mouth is going to get real nasty, real soon.


this man will be dumped soon for his mouth

It's not an FML until someone suggests breaking up or sueing.

FalloutScrolls 25

I bet when he smiles, his pearly yellows shine oh so brightly.

Glynnis62 13

I think your boyfriend is a little bit on the special side.

Well hey, once they rot and fall out he definitely won't need any toothpaste! He will however be needing lots of mints!

Time to find someone less stupid and lazy.