Nice theory

By Anonymous - 04/09/2015 14:54 - Portugal - Alhandra

Today, my boyfriend thinks he's discovered a big conspiracy by dentists to sell toothpaste. He's arguing that nobody needs to brush their teeth, ever, because all the "new plaque" from food will dissolve the "old plaque", and the only thing he needs to use is breath spray. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 540
You deserved it 2 404

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pleasedie 22

Congratulations ! You're dating one of those special types of idiots

Find some scientific evidence to back up the view that you need to actually brush your teeth. If he still doesn't believe that, then tell him having decayed teeth isn't fun. His mouth is going to get real nasty, real soon.


tehdarkness 21

Show him pictures and stories of severe gum recession.

Am I the only person who felt like they had to brush their teeth immediately after reading some of these comments?

Tell him that you discovered a new conspiracy where girlfriends won't kiss boyfriends with nasty teeth and breath.

actually, it is pretty rare, but there are individuals that don't "need" toothpaste as much as typical people. they produce above average amounts of saliva and reflexively constantly lick their teeth. is it as effective as brushing? no, but their teeth can last for years unbrushed with minimal damage compared to a typical person. I know one such individual, but he still does a courtesy brush and mouthwash whenever he's around people just to cut back on food breath.

ViviMage 39

Toothpaste has sand-like crystals (usually crushed diatom shells) to act as a gentle abrasive while still lubricating the tooth enamel to protect it while you clean. The toothpaste buffs the surface clean and helps to manually remove germs from the tooth's surface, and well as bits of food that get stuck in the teeth that encourage germs to eat the sugar and basically start dissolving the tooth. Mouthwash also fishes away germs, flooding removes bits brushing can't access. I have had 3 or 4 cavities and 1 root canal, as well as a deep clean of the gums to the point I was in tears. And I still have baby teeth at 33 that haven't had adults replace them yet. Care for your teeth! Or just stop being intimate with him until his breath smells fresher. And I don't mean the spray.

danceinconverse 25

Tell him you won't kiss him until he brushes!!

Dump his nasty smelling ass. Good hygiene is attractive, being crazy isn't.

my sisters ex said the same thing years ago... he now has barely any teeth , hope you get out before that happens xD

My dad thinks tooth paste ruins your teeth and thinks dentist push tooth paste so you come to the dentist and need all kinds of shit done. Ik the feel.

It doesn't RUIN your teeth, but if you put on a strip like the box shows twice a day every day, your teeth will actually be worse off than that person who uses a tiny bit of toothpaste once a day every day.