Nice timing

By heartbroken - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Huntington

Today, I took an exam in order to apply for a graduate program I want to get into. Last night, my boyfriend decided it was a good time to break up with me out of the blue. I broke down three times in the middle of the test, and I just barely failed it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 227
You deserved it 6 224

Same thing different taste

Top comments

*Hugs* Chin up, Op. It's all upward from here. :(

I'm sorry :( Your ex is a jerk. He should've waited until after the exam! Can you retake it?


Hopefully there are retakes. A lot of entrance type exams give up to three tries. It'll get better, im sorry :/

So many sad fmls lately :( I hope your ex gets what's coming to him and I hope everything will be ok for you :)

Beepbeep7 14

He sounds like a real stand up guy.Sorry about your exam OP.At least the douche is gone though.

OP it might be worth contacting someone at the school to explain and ask for a retake. They might surprise you. It's totally unfair of your ex to **** up your future, I hope you sort this.

Anai08 17

I completely agree, there has to be some exception/retake policy for personal issue. I'm sure you're not the first person to have something traumatic/tragic happen to them the day before the exam, OP. and you just barely failed it, so you'll definitely pass next time. =]

perdix 29

It wasn't out of the blue -- if you got into grad school, you wouldn't be trapped in the kitchen making his sammiches. Move on from that dick, advance your education and find a man who's worth a shit.

break ups aren't out of the blue... you just ignored the signs.

I'm sorry OP. :c I hope you can retake it.

buttcramp 21

this sucks maybe tell your instructor and you can retake or get an extra assignment or something