Nice try

By No.Life. - 14/07/2010 04:09 - United States

Today, I decided not to go on Facebook so people would actually think that I have a life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 540
You deserved it 32 583

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11
theChupacabras 0

am I the only one who doesn't have a Facebook? and totally fine with that?


and u think writing on fml means u do?

celkey 0

omg hi trevor! If you will ever read this. haha

danii1996 0

lol y is every1 sooo obsessed with Facebook anyways

first of all benny 81 you suck for thinking xbox sucks and im with number 74 i cannot stay on facebook longer than 10 mins i dont understand so many guys are obsessed with it

teenage_messup 0

LOL I said the same thing to my sister XDD

andrewwalsh 0

there should be a "props to you" button

celkey 0

I have the same problem. and I also did that last week. also I delete all my farmville things on my page to make it seem like I'm not a freak.

i got rid of facebook.-. try talking to people in real life instead :D!

sweetpeapanther 0

don't worry I do that all the time :(