No kink-shaming

By Cybertronianchic - 05/09/2020 09:58 - United Kindom - Birmingham

Today, I realised I'm so much more sexually attracted to Transformers than anyone I've ever met. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 103
You deserved it 622

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think there are plenty of people who are more attracted to fictional characters than to real people. And there are people attracted to real people who would not be attracted to them. It’s probably emotionally safer to be attracted to a fictional character than to an real but unavailable person. So I wish you well. Some day things may change for you...


geniusness 6

All I can think of is the Seth MacFarlane short video where someone is having sex with Optimus Prime, who turns into a truck during climax.

I'm guessing you had older siblings or relatives that enjoyed them and that they do well at taking care of things. nothing wrong with that

This is definitely getting posted to r/transformemes.