No place like home

By MrMagicMan000 - 25/08/2009 06:47 - United States

Today, I woke up to the sounds of birds singing, the smell of butter pancakes in the air, and thought to myself, "Wow, today is going to be great day. I can feel it!" Excited, I jumped out of bed and threw open the door to see my 58 year-old mother doing her morning stretches in the nude. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 302
You deserved it 4 416

Same thing different taste


chowyuk 0

so who else was in the house making the pancakes?

screwtaylor 0

Did you join her? I wonder if she was fat. Imagine her fat rolls moving when she bends. Sexy.

The same thing happened to me with my mother in law. She is not only batshit-crazy, but also around 70. Well, there weren't any pancakes either, just herself butt-naked... Gross! So yeah, I feel for you!

magichateball 0

wow thats some kind of mess to see first thing in the morning

ohfuckk 0

I like that you put your mom's age, like if she were younger it would be less scaring :P

Hahaha, I wish they would do a movie with this opening. It would be so much better than the same old story they keep repeating with girls of differing hair color.

How hungry were you for warm buttery pancakes after that?

the worst part is your a guy and you saw that. Ew.

YDI for living with your mother. Unless she was over 40 years old when she had you you are definitely too old to be living with her. Go out and get a job please.

They may have been visiting. And my mom will be over the age of 58 by the time I'm 18.