Noise annoys

By cocacoola - 11/07/2011 14:24 - Iceland

Today, the couple downstairs decided they wanted to try a home birth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 781
You deserved it 4 318

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wait til you smell them cooking the placenta

or she may just be really loud and he's really good


Great, no medical intervention. Send them some flowers or cookies! Congradulate them on not following the crowd.

That's not that bad, maybe for you but you can leave and come back later! Problem solved:)

Eughhh....thats gonna be both noisy and disgusting.Eughhh....thats gonna be both noisy and disgusting.

ryanst 7

Holy shit, you just double posted within a post.

Yo dawg, I heard you like posts, so I put a post in a post so you can post while you post.

itswhateveridk 0

thts both stupid and risky... not to mention old fashioned and weird...

Actually, it's none of those things. If all the signs indicate a straightforward delivery then it's no more risky and in a relaxed, familiar environment complications are much less likely. It's stupid to assume rather than to research. It's in fact very modern to give birth at home - it's an increasing trend as people realise how much more comfortable it is. It is also utterly natural (and thus not in the least weird). Where do you think a thousand generations of your ancestors were born? In hospital?

I agree with 36. people are a lot more comfortable giving birth at home.

it's not risky or old fashioned given 45% of people have home birth

itswhateveridk 0
itswhateveridk 0

you stupid ************ what do u do all day sit here on fml and write? jeez and yea it's stupid beacuse what if you need actual medical attention instead of some midwife who can do relatively nothing for the mom if she starts profusely bleeding or something. I say this beacuse I was watching a TLC show where they had a home birth and had to rush to the hospital beacuse the midwife ****** up...

Wow! A well thought out, well educated, properly informed, mature response. Well done! *In case you missed it, because you didn't see it on TV, - that was sarcasm.

the midwife does give medical attention... that's kind of why she's there.

itswhateveridk 0

yeah but only to the baby dumbass if the mother starts to die of bleeding or she needs real attention she's going to need someone who went to MED SCHOOL. not floppy hippies midwife academy you retard. what's she gonna do, rub herbs on it?

ladybugobgyn 0

ugi, do you want to know when the most disasters happen? to the "straightforward" pregnancies. let me know the next time you take call and can speak from experience.

Leave the house, go somewhere for the day. You won't even know it happened.