Noise annoys
By cocacoola - 11/07/2011 14:24 - Iceland
By cocacoola - 11/07/2011 14:24 - Iceland
By midwify - 05/01/2015 17:58 - Denmark - Asaa
By Anonymous - 14/03/2024 21:00 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco
By katiebug - 12/07/2016 02:27 - United States - Topeka
By ineedsleep - 30/10/2014 14:15 - Finland - J?rvenp
By Anonymous - 14/02/2015 02:43 - United States - Titusville
By Anonymous - 10/01/2016 13:17 - United States - Waldorf
By Anonymous - 29/05/2022 14:00
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - South Salem
By pacelily - 30/08/2016 20:32 - United States - San Marcos
Wait -- "try"?!
how dare your neighbor conduct her life in her own home. doesn't she know that her use and enjoyment of the home she lives in is interfering with your ignorant comfort?!? fyl for sure!
I don't see the bad in this. I think I would be thrilled if my neighbors (or anyone I knew) decided to welcome a new life into this world on their terms without any pressure or medical intervention.
By the way he referred to them as "the couple downstairs" and not his friends downstairs, he probably doesn't know them. Personally I wouldn't be ecstatic to have to hear from my living quarters a random woman give birth. It may have been a big day for her, but not for the 4 apartments surrounding her. FYL for tonight OP.
n how is that your problem? mind ur own bznss.
that's really smart...." do I cot this or this?". snip " shit that was a vane!!! hahahahahahs stupid mother *******
LMAO. If you can't spell simple words correctly, you probably shouldn't be calling other people stupid.
Putting the unsanitary part aside from birthing in a probably unsterile place... they really ought to have given you some warning, I totally would have called a cop thinking there was some sort of emergency.
You are much more likely to catch something in hospital than at home. Hospital is full of ill people and the bugs you have at home are those your immune system is used to dealing with. In any case you use new, clean coverings on everything (unless you like amniotic fluid in your carpet) so you are in a very clean area giving birth at home.
wait til you smell them cooking the placenta
or she may just be really loud and he's really good