Noise annoys

By cocacoola - 11/07/2011 14:24 - Iceland

Today, the couple downstairs decided they wanted to try a home birth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 770
You deserved it 4 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wait til you smell them cooking the placenta

or she may just be really loud and he's really good


simon_lala 0

that's not so bad! my friends mother gave birth at home with a midwife and had no problems. sure you might think the noise will be a problem but at least it's not a front seat.

skyeyez9 24

about 20 mins after I gave birth to my child, I looked over to see my husband bent over a table of all the metal forceps, towels and a huge metal bowl. He was using some sort of metal probe he found and was poking and prodding my discarded placenta that was in the bowl. He was like "come here look at this!"

sovetskiy 8

how do you pronounce where you live, op?

I was born at home, I fail to see the problem.

Jbokchoi 0

That couldn't be that bad. I really don't see how this is a FML.

morgan020 0

when my son was born my dr insisted on me being induced. when I went in to be induced I was given all the mess and they broke my water. I wasn't progressing fast enough for my drs liking and ended up with a c section because she had dinner plans she couldn't miss and apparently she couldn't pass me on to another dr :/ unfortunately where I live we have a very high c section rate because drs are too impatient to be bothered with a child coming when it wants to rather than just cutting it out and being done with it. I am considering a home birth for my next child so that I can have a quicker recovery and be more aware since I won't be under as many meds. I was loopy for 4 days after my son was born because I had a bad reaction to the meds. I have a friend who recently had a home birth and everything went great. also only women who are low risk are candidates for a home birth. so if there are any complications they usually end up giving birth in a hospital. and c sections suck. they're painful and expensive. and make it very difficult to care for a newborn.

That is appalling and just the sort of unwarranted intervention that causes people problems. An emergency c-section is very safe but is still more likely to cause complications than a couple of hours extra labour. You can't cut a woman open without some risk of infection. That doctor should not be delivering babies if she can't stand to re-arrange her dinner engagements for them. She needs an office job or to be taking consultations by appointment. Babies don't keep appointments.

Wow... just wow.. I can't believe that could actually happen to anybody! That is just awful..

Melisso 4

it would have been worse if it was the couple upstairs