Noise annoys

By cocacoola - 11/07/2011 14:24 - Iceland

Today, the couple downstairs decided they wanted to try a home birth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 770
You deserved it 4 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wait til you smell them cooking the placenta

or she may just be really loud and he's really good


I use to sell pizzas, now I got twelve visas, so tell Jesus im gonna quit sinnin till hell freezes.

tarabelle 7

jump up and down multiple times in the middle of the night

they're going to be up half the night every night for the next six months anyways, unless they have a super cool kid that actually does sleep through the night right from the start.

dayrin7 4

sleep over at a friends house! :)

Lots of friends of mine have done home births. (I live near the Peoples' Republic of Cambridge, Massachusetts, the crunchy-granola epicenter of the East Coast of the U.S.) Why is this a FML?

Because it's a long and noisy thing?

From experience home births can certainly be noisy (and also amazingly quiet, depending..) so from the OP's point of view it might be an FML, but it's on the level of "my neighbour's dog migth decide to bark all night".

Depends on the moms body, some are quick and fast. You never know with a birth!

Home births don't seem like they would be dangerous with proper prenatal care nor are they all noisy. Think about the complications of the epidurals and other meds. As for the noise, I've heard women make more noise than 39 cats mating at night and others just quietly push. OP may get a quiet one.

I agree. this is not an FML. My wife just had a water birth and it went really well!

so a homebirth may or may not be freaky but what about the health of the newborn baby? only a doctor can determine if the baby is healthy or not.

Why so? If baby is breathing, a good weight & colour and begins to feed what more do you need? They don't give you a whole-body MRI at birth even in hospital and you have a midwife for a home-birth.

what if it's born with some kind of problem that only a doctor can tell?

That would be something in the family history and if the parents have been honest with their Mid-Wife and the Mid-Wife is good at their profession. Then a decision should have been made to have the baby in the hospital (if the medical condition requires that be done.) If something should happen during the birth then an experienced midwife should be ready to deal with the issue while taking the mom to the Hospital.

58 - there' not likely to be a doctor there for the birth at hospital anyway. That would only happen if there is a complication or something is unusually risky. The midwife would be looking out for unusual signs and calling a doc if needed. Same at home - the MW would check out the baby and refer you to the hospital if she sees any issues. There is always a possibility of an acute complication but in general home-births are less stressful for mum and baby so overall the risks are lower for a home-birth _if_ the signs point towards a low risk delivery, which will have been assessed over the preceding weeks.

actually, where i'm from, the doctor delivers the baby xD

Well you don't have to be a doctor to read a medical textbook, look up medical articles online, or get told what to do/ what to look for after the birth by a doctor. Which, most likely one of or both of the last two were done prior to the birth.

Then that is your choice! Frankly here in the states where C-Section birth is at 24% which is higher then even the World Health Organization wants. I would prefer to see more Home births. Frankly the Medical Interventionism here in the US is seriously out of touch. When Doc's are telling mom's stories to get them into the Hospitals to birth and then need things like Pitossian and other drugs to speed up or induce their labour. It is a little scary!

sometimes it's all in the blood! but w/e i don't really care xD

#86 - Aside from all the drugs being pumped into the mother's (and baby's) body, the truly terrifying thing is the price tag for everything.

Oniat 2

#86 -- It's mostly because some moms don't want to deal with popping the kid out their vag or they want to pick a more convenient date. Yes, doctors do C-sections more than they should, but it's not entirely their fault. Blame Americans for being American : /

sunlovinmama 1

yea the nurse does all the work and the doctor comes in at the last second to deliver and gets all the glory :P

TheTwistedOtaku 16

Is anyone else finding it difficult to pronounce where this FML was submitted from? O.0

stepho14 0

birth is a beautiful thing :) so idk this is FML ?

fmmlcsl 0

yea I don't anyone wants to hear people moan while having sex

Leave the building and go out as soon as you hear* screams.

fmmlcsl 0

turn some music up to set the mood .lol