Noise annoys

By cocacoola - 11/07/2011 14:24 - Iceland

Today, the couple downstairs decided they wanted to try a home birth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 770
You deserved it 4 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wait til you smell them cooking the placenta

or she may just be really loud and he's really good


is it the middle of the night? cause if it is that sucks! if it's day just go for a walk..for a couple of hours...

my wife just had a water birth and she did amazing. it's not all that weird, how do you think babies were born before we had hospitals?

Oh please. Could you be more selfish? Your neighbors are probably over the moon with the prospect of welcoming a child soon and the least you can do is be happy for them. Go out for a walk and explore Eyjafjardarsysla (yeah, I just wanted to type that out) during the childbirth if you feel THAT uncomfortable.

The only problem with that is childbirths can take FOREVER. Have you ever watched 16 and Pregnant?

it's selfish to want to enjoy piece and quite in your own home? and idk if it's just me but I got the image of an apartment. if that's the case, wouldn't it be selfish of the couple knowing it would be a rather noisy ordeal?

#84: Yes I have watched that abominable show and I suppose I can see where OP is coming from. But personally, if I had a neighbor doing that, the noise/inconvenience would be the least of my concerns. I'd just be happy for them. #85: I inferred that too. Well unless this is an occurrence that takes place every 9 months, I don't see why OP should make a big deal out of it. But then again, like I said above, to each his own. Guess I have a higher tolerance for noise than OP.

I agree with 85. They obviously live in an apartment, condo or duplex. They should have been more considerate to their neighbors around them. And no, this won't be the least of their problems when the baby comes. If their baby is being too noisy and disrupting he peace of others, they will most likely get booted after getting a lot of noise complaints.

stacianichole 2

BFD. Could be a once in a lifetime experience for them so to be annoyed by it is downright ridiculous.

I suppose I'd be happy for my neighbours too, but it would be EXTREMELY loud, and unless my apartment was soundproofed, I'd pack my bags and get the hell outta Dodge for a little bit. But it's also not that simple, women don't plan a time to give birth, the freaking BABY gets to decide. So you'd have to pack a bag in advance and then have a place to go when the fat lady has to give birth.

Wow. And YOU are the one who is suffering. *sarcasm* Just for a few hours: live with it!!

leave the house lol... sleep at a friends i would

make sure you have the baseball gloves on to catch before it reaches the ground.

lovebeecharmer 6

You probable heard them having sex, now you get to hear the end results of that act.

SlaveToRetail 10

Well, that must have been interesting. Also, something about the Icelandic language intrigues and amuses me. Does anyone else think that it looks like someone just smashed their palm on the keyboard, and called it a word? :P