Noise complaint

By scarred - 27/07/2009 04:42 - United States

Today, I heard my parents having sex for the first time so I turned the TV up really loud to drown out the noise, and a minute or two later my mom comes downstairs in this skimpy nightgown to ask me why the TV was so loud and, seeing the horror on my face, kept asking what was wrong with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 082
You deserved it 3 952

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe they were just rearranging the furniture? *thud thud thud* "You like it like this?" "Ooh, yeah, right there, that's good"

THIS HAS HAPPENED TO ME! I feel your pain.


Adults have sex. Kids have sex. But I will say i'd love to see the look on my parents face if they heard ME enjoying my company.

How can it be there first time if your there child....

tenkenshi 2

You guys should get them back. I refer you to the elliptical dish solution:

Stop being so precious. Why do you want to believe that you are the result of an immaculate conception? People have sex. Parents have sex. Other people's parents have sex. Your parents have sex. It's normal. Stop getting so hung up about it. "seeing the horror in my face" recite after me: "It's normal for people to have sex - there is no need for me to hyperventilate."

Yes, because all offspring like to have their eardrums filled with the lovely coital sounds of the people who made them

BabyDoll09 0

i feel your pain, when i heard my parents my mom tryed to comfort me by telling that its ok because my 70 yr. old grandparents still do it

nylmak 0

thank god i havent heard my parents i would probably committ suicide...nasty ew...things that make u go *throws up* that!

Its a ******* knife

car6435 0
haleycstar 0

I feel ur pain. once I was looking for something in my parents' room, looked in a drawer and instead of finding what I was looking for, I found a porno, nude pictures of my mom, a plastic vibrator, sex gel, and condoms!!!!!!!!! then that night I opened the medicine cabinet to get out my lotion and saw... THE PILL!!!

dvs01 0

Ditto. A lot of these FML's have me thinking 'wow, I wish that happened to me'. Lots of twisted people on this site.