Noise complaint

By scarred - 27/07/2009 04:42 - United States

Today, I heard my parents having sex for the first time so I turned the TV up really loud to drown out the noise, and a minute or two later my mom comes downstairs in this skimpy nightgown to ask me why the TV was so loud and, seeing the horror on my face, kept asking what was wrong with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 082
You deserved it 3 952

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe they were just rearranging the furniture? *thud thud thud* "You like it like this?" "Ooh, yeah, right there, that's good"

THIS HAS HAPPENED TO ME! I feel your pain.


nothings worse than hearing your parents doin the nasty

how hot is ya mom and I would have just went to the room beside the scene and started video taping the noise or sneaking in and watching

samisaunicorn 0

I feel you! Happened to me before. Worst moment of my life.

Not an fml. My parents did it with me in the room when I was 17. That sucked.

Explain that when you are gone for the night they should plan "happy time" worked perfectly for me.

lets hope this never happens to your kids

people complaining that it's not an fml or that they should deal with it, that's not the point. parents don't want to hear their children having sex, it's the same in the opposite situation. regardless of who you are, it's awkward having to hear people have sex, especially family. its uncomfortable! FYL, OP.