Noise complaint

By scarred - 27/07/2009 04:42 - United States

Today, I heard my parents having sex for the first time so I turned the TV up really loud to drown out the noise, and a minute or two later my mom comes downstairs in this skimpy nightgown to ask me why the TV was so loud and, seeing the horror on my face, kept asking what was wrong with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 082
You deserved it 3 952

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe they were just rearranging the furniture? *thud thud thud* "You like it like this?" "Ooh, yeah, right there, that's good"

THIS HAS HAPPENED TO ME! I feel your pain.


If your parents were having sex for the first time, how were you there to hear it?

LOL question mark one the first time thing do you mean that this is the first time you heard it???

so you caught your parents doing it for the first time did you? where do you think you came from?


bbykks 0

this us completely an FML. i feel for u OP. my parents are retards and like to be loud ****** too. i yelled at my mom and told her to make me leave whenever they wanna have sex. it worka for both of us.

You just called your parents retards and ******... While you judge THEIR lack of class? You pride yourself on yelling at your mother? You sound like a self centered, spoiled, self righteous brat.

what makes u think they were having the sexy time? they could have been playing jenga

NiceGuysDoWin 21

Original Poster: Person who posted the FML

shadow1917 0

yea I know how ya feel.. happened to me except mine is a tad worse considering both of my parents are over weight my mom uses a cane and my daughter fell asleep on me so I cudnt get away from it (meaning they're also grandparents -_-) sry I just don't want tht image floating around in my head...

caaamilleeee 0

all you people who are saying this isn't an fml are ******* MORONS. if hearing this kids parents having sex really bothers them, than it's an fml. idiots