Noise complaint

By scarred - 27/07/2009 04:42 - United States

Today, I heard my parents having sex for the first time so I turned the TV up really loud to drown out the noise, and a minute or two later my mom comes downstairs in this skimpy nightgown to ask me why the TV was so loud and, seeing the horror on my face, kept asking what was wrong with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 113
You deserved it 3 959

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe they were just rearranging the furniture? *thud thud thud* "You like it like this?" "Ooh, yeah, right there, that's good"

THIS HAS HAPPENED TO ME! I feel your pain.


Or she was adopted and for some crazy reason they waited God-knows-how-long to consummate. I read it the same way :-P

Maybe they were just rearranging the furniture? *thud thud thud* "You like it like this?" "Ooh, yeah, right there, that's good"

cherry_blossom 0

Pahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Awesome. =D

49, it just sounds like your parents have had problems in their marriage. You have to understand that it is NOT normal for parents to go around having loud sex a few rooms away from their kids.

"No, turn it around... yeah, right up against the bed like that!" Ahaha I can just picture parents effing with their kids like that!

netbeui435 3

get over yourself. move out and grow up.

Next time, record them. Play it back for them later. Maybe when they have people over.

Why should she move out? For all you know OP is 13. Preteens use the internet too. Stop assuming.

That awkward moment when you reply to the wrong comment?

rc024 0

Ok this is most def a true FML.....Who wants to hear their parents bang??? NO ONE!!! Its ******* disgusting!!!! I feel yah OP i had to listen to that at one point in my life too....and thats y u move out and then the only people u have to hear having sex r ur creepy neighbors down the hall....choose wisely

heybud 0

that's sick, you wanna record someone else getting it on, yuck.

Hey, since she was going to have to listen to it anyway, might as well record it and make the parents listen to it later. Then again, it might only get them thinking, "Oh man--that was SO GOOD. Let's go do it again!" 8|

what's with all these people saying "ooh it's not that bad parents need sex too", that's as may be, but that doesn't mean it's immature to not want to hear your parents bang. the OP was clearly going to just do her best to ignore it until her mom *came into her room wearing the skimpy nightgown and would not stop pressing the issue* FYL, I concur.

It's not that people are being "immature" and thinking "Omg! Parents have sex! EW!", it's more like, "I really don't want to hear this, I wish they would do this at a time when I'm not home" Also, as a couple people already stated, the OP was more saying FML to the fact that she saw her mother in a SKIMPY nightgown when she came down to ask why the TV was too loud. I guess it was interrupting their sex. ;)

Next time, listen to music that way you can turn it up as loud as possible and your mom can't come downstairs in a skimpy nightgown. Or even better, get a fan and always use it at night. It drowns out so much noise!