Non sequitur

By lisacasabonita - 12/11/2010 16:31 - United States

Today, while at dinner, I told my boyfriend that I wished he liked sushi. He replied, "I wish you liked anal." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 213
You deserved it 42 493

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nice to see you have a good relationship and can talk things out in a civilized manner Seriously though, this was hilarious on his part I'm sure he was joking like I do with my wife when she nitpicks me


That's okay. There's a ton of women out there who hate it just as much as you.

Shadow_Phantom 26

....Liking a certain type of food is nowhere near the same level as liking something as horrible as that. FYL.

I want u to have my babies lol.......... :|

NotBamber 0

Your boyfriend is ******* hilarious. This is neither ydi or fml. Be happy you have a funny bf.

Narciso_fml 0

I'll be using this line very soon

Pannycakes 0

My husband and I have the same conversation. Except he is the one who likes sushi.

Flutist 3

Guess your big Birtha ***** will not be coming out to play.

angels_siren 0

is my bf the only one that doesnt like it?

Stop being a prudish bitch and just do anal.