Not amused

By Anonymous - 16/10/2012 04:48 - United States - Saint Louis

Today, a one-eyed drunken homeless man followed me around the store I work at, screaming at me because I turned down his sexual advances. My managers and coworkers wouldn't kick him out because they thought it was funny. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 709
You deserved it 2 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aspen_Grace33 27

Keep an eye out for the guy outside your work, he might be waiting for you. And maybe look into getting another job if that's how your supervisors treat people. Either way, good luck!

Sounds like your managers are just asking to get sued or fired. They deliberately put you in harms way, it is obvious this guy had problems he could be seriously dangerous yet because they wanted a few chuckles they stood back and watched. The guy should have been thrown out of the store straight away and the police should have been called. I feel for ya OP. You should put in a complaint to their bosses I'm sure they would love to hear how your managers let a drunken homeless chase you around the store screaming, not only did it put you at risk but it would have cost the business customers because who's going to go into a store with a drunken lunatic in it.


This FML really made me laugh :D FYL OP xD I am sorry that this happened to you, and that nobody helped you. But I also have to admit that this is hilarious :D

One eye, one horn, flying, purple people eater.

skyeyez9 24

I would have poked my finger in his other eye.

Working in a store can be boring. They needed a little entertainment op. FYL however because that's creepy.

ViviMage 38

That is sexual harassment and I'd go to your HR about your managers making a hostile environment at work.

fatalwish 6

they are right... it would be pretty funny

Isn't that illegal? You're supposed to feel safe and secure in your workplace.

Therewhenneeded 16

They what? Go to Human Resources ASAP. They willingly put you in danger.