Numb to the pain

By sorenips - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, after a great treadmill run at my gym, I noticed a stain on my clothing. Apparently my nipple chafed so badly that it bled through my white t-shirt, and I'd walked around the gym completely oblivious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 521
You deserved it 3 973

Top comments

If this is a female, why would you not wear a sports bra or something if that nature to the gym. If this is a man, FYL since you must have some huge nipples...


bubo_fml 10

Note to self: When going to the gym, leave the peep hole bra at home!

The idea of a nipple bleeding is disturbing:S

The username makes this so much funnier

Yep, I know a few guys that trained for marathons and would put bandaids to cover up their nipples. The shirt hitting across the chest over and over while they ran causes chaffing.

Take up a sport with less clothing, like swimming :D plus the water prevents chafing.

Llama_Face89 33

Better for you than running too.

What a great workout! I feel healthier and thinner already! What's this on my tshirt? Oh shit.

No joke that's why men runners either run with their shirts off or bandaids on their nipples...I agree they were dicks for not telling u

Whether this is a boy or girl is crucial the intensity of fyl.

O my god..... R u alrite??? Very sorry to hear that...

If you don't mind me asking, what is your nationality? You're cute lol.

I'm pretty sure it's a male considering I don't know of a single woman that would go to a gym, or anywhere else really, without wearing a bra!