
By farmvillefail - 09/01/2010 00:10 - United States

Today, I found out the best way to communicate with my boyfriend, who is obsessed with Farmville, is by placing a "sign post" on his farm. Not sending texts, emails, or calling, but by placing a message on his imaginary farm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 936
You deserved it 4 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Losers" coming from the guy who feels the need to advertise his Myspace address at the bottom of every post. Enough said!

I don't really get this obsession. I play farmville and I think it's a cute game, but it's not like you can spend a lot of time playing it, you have to wait a day or two for your crops to get ready and then it takes up ten minutes or twenty minutes tops to harvest them and plant new ones. Even if you only plant strawberries, you'd still only spend at most two hours a day on farmville (and that would get VERY boring because it's not like you can do any exciting stuff with it).


chomsuon 0

what a loser! dump him and go out with a person who plays yoville! lol FYL!

Post a sign post that reads " You have 5 minutes to come talk to me or we are through!" then time stamp it. Otherwise get his password and delete it all! He will thank you for it in the long run for freeing up his time to actually change the things in his life that he is playing the game to escape from. ;)

She has no right to do that and anyone who does that is a bitch. It's a violation of trust and privacy to delete it especially behind his back

If you're the kind of girlfriend that whines and bitches about what your boyfriend does with his free time, I'd pick Farmville over you too.

RVP23 0

So get a new boyfriend. YDI for being too insecure and/or stupid to dump your guy and be single for a bit untill you find someone new.

evil_munkey 0

hahaHahahaha perhaps if u let me access urfarm.....

j_Leigh15 0
skyeyez9 24

I tried playing farmville, and hate it! They try to make you addicted to the game by having your crops die if you wait a minute too long when harvesting them. Plus the synch issues. There is a game on the nintendo DS and Wii that is a farm game. Grow crops, raise animals, sell the goods...etc

skyeyez9 24

my friend is a farmville addict. I always see 10 or more posts from her a day on facebook regarding that game: Amber found a lonely pink cow wandering around on her farm, Amber reached level 15, Amber got the master farmer award...etc

Amber got busy with her Uncle Daddy. Well this is Farmville, doesn't say what kind of farm.

He will get bored of the game soon. Just consider this as a phase, because it probably just is.