Oh, hi Mark!

By Anonymous - 26/08/2012 05:46 - United States - Olympia

Today, I had to pee so bad that I ran downstairs with no glasses on and stumbled into the bathroom, half blind. I sat down on the toilet and realized just a little late that my older sister and her boyfriend were having sex in the bathtub. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 062
You deserved it 3 933

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unbweavable 17

Sooo you're so blind you can't see two human bodies?

gabe222 25

Musta been quiet sex or something... Otherwise you'da heard 'em Unless of course you are deaf to go along with half blind


You should've peed on them. Golden shower anyone?

SystemofaBlink41 27

One of my friends told me to go search that... Jesus.... o.O

noelykins1 19

Honestly sometimes when I use the bathroom I forget to lock the door, however I've never had sex so I can't say anything on memory skills when in that position. Still sorry for OP, but eventually she'll get over it. Shouldn't be too grossed out I'm sure she's slept on her parent's bed before and unless her parents aren't together or she has a single mom/dad (even then maybe) she should know they've had sex on that bed before.

Not everybody has a lock on their bathroom door.

Not everyone has a lock on the bathroom door

onorexveritas 23

it happens to the best of us I was in the same room when my parents started having sex. how about that for fml

Damn I bet that was more than awkward

I bet the look on your face when you realized was similar to mine.

hmm so how did both parties react to this situation?

drumrgonewild 2

Atleast u didnt pee on them that wouldve been awkward