Oh, look…

By cocokiss410 - 28/07/2011 04:34 - United States

Today, while I was at work, a co-worker watched while some kid stole the radio out of my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 654
You deserved it 2 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least they didn't steal your car instead. But the co-worker SHOULD have said something to you.


wouldn't it be steal ? watched some kid steal haha w.e still funny

you should put in a cassette player as a replacement. and then I assume you have an mp3 player of any kind and then just use a cassette adapter and you won't have this problem again.

I wonder what was going through you friends mind "hahaha franks going to be real mad for this one hhahahhahaa"

The co-worker should have alerted you to what was happening, or called the police. But if you're one of those dipshits that leaves their car doors unlocked then cries when your purse or iPod gets stolen, then you deserve it.

iTransform 8

"watched while some kid STEAL the radio out of my car" dude you fail. Not to be a grammar Nazi or anything but this irritated me because he clearly he said it right. The word "watched" is clearly pass tense and steal,sadly, is not. Lesson? make sure you check your knowledge of sentence structure before you attempt to correct someone's grammar. -_-

Maybe it was your co-worker's kid! Also, either he told he watched the kid steal it or you watched him watch the kid steal it, which in turn would mean you also watched the kid steal your radio...

maybe he was getting back at you for your terrible grammer

As a few people have already pointed out, "stole" is actually correct in OP's sentence. The word "while" makes all the difference. For example, "I watched while the band played my favorite song" is just as correct as "I watched the band play my favorite song."