Oh, look…

By cocokiss410 - 28/07/2011 04:34 - United States

Today, while I was at work, a co-worker watched while some kid stole the radio out of my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 654
You deserved it 2 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least they didn't steal your car instead. But the co-worker SHOULD have said something to you.


I would probably stare too. I don't wanna get mugged by some kid. if they can break in a car and take the stereo, what else can they do?

People still steal car radios? What is this, the '80s? Look at the bright side. Now you can put another '80s relic in your car: a sign that says "NO RADIO". Oh, and FYL. :-(

perdix 29

Were you expecting your co-worker to put on his super-hero costume and stop the crime in progress?

Why wouldn't you? Don't you love dressing up in spandex and trying to stop big tough guys from doing something? Geez.

kaatielynn 0

I wouldn't go as far as him stopping the person, but yes, I would expect them to say something and at least let me know.

DeadxManxWalking 27

maybe he hired them that's why he was watching and didn't say anything.

kcircuses2 4

Did the coworker know it was your car?

Would you seriously steal the stereo out of your parents' car? And expect nobody to say anything about it. Like really? I agree. *facepalm*

OHMYGOODNESS...I have a four year old too!!!!!

chaoticnh 0

this guy is a failed batman. watches over peoples shit, but stands and watches when stuff goes down

first of all only low life broke drug addicts steal. its so ******* easy to get a job or make money. second of all your co-worker is a dick he needs some sense knocked into his self centered ass. third of all if you a have a sound system in your car don't you think you should've gotten an alarm?? or at least locked up good. because its not that easy breaking into a car in broad day light. ur not in brooklyn.... Lmao

chaoticnh 0

not only drug addicts steal haha, if only they did it would make thins so much easier. ever heard of embezzlement? it's a white collar crime where they steal money from the company they work for.

kss_ga_champ5408 1

that's actually not what embezzlement is but yea good try.