Oh no…

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Minneapolis

Today, in my second year at university, I took a pregnancy test. It's the only test I've passed all month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 809
You deserved it 52 403

Top comments

aruam365 24

Not to sound harsh but maybe had you been studying rather than out having sex, you wouldn't be in this situation.


RowanNightShade 22

Sounds like the OP is going to have to switch out her textbooks for parenting books. Good luck making your decision, OP.

There have been some really ignorant comments on this FML. To everyone saying "don't have unprotected sex"- she might have been using all kinds of protection for all we know. No birth control is 100% effective except for abstinence. To everyone saying "have less sex" or "you're partying too much"- it takes ONE time to get pregnant. We have no idea how many times she's had sex, or how many people she's had sex with. We know very little about the actual situation so everyone needs to stop jumping to ridiculous conclusions.

How's the weather up there on your high horse?

Sorry? I'm just pointing out the fact that we don't know OP's situation so we shouldn't jump to conclusions that she's been out partying and having sex all the time because that's not necessarily the case. I don't see how that makes me "on my high horse".

Does passing the pregnancy test mean it was negative or positive? Usually teenagers consider a negative result a good thing, therefore "passing".

what exactly is considered a passing score on a pregnancy test? not to be mean, but the fact that u failed the condom test says enough

Zimmington 21


Can you say ****? let the down votes begin.

**** SHAMING IS NOT COOL, PEOPLE. Though I agree it seems you were busy having fun rather than studying all month, what's done is done, and a new life isn't necessarily the end of yours. Good luck OP!

She could have been studying every night and only had sex once. Don't jump to conclusions.

sounds like you've had some study buddies, but their studying only helped on one subject

It really annoys the hell out of me when people who aren't going to be good parents or didn't want kids in the first place get pregnant and some people who really want kids can't have them.