Oh yeah?

By alexis89 - 26/05/2009 16:53 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were having sex. Attempting to make things a little more exciting, I said in my sexiest voice, "Oh yeah, harder." My boyfriend who apparently doesn't like talking dirty, pulled out and angrily said, "I was trying, what more do you want?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 78 547
You deserved it 20 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol...he seems to have some insecurity issues

What a loser, unless you are a constant nag, so much so that he thinks everything you say to him sounds like you're telling him what and how to do.


You should know what he likes and doesn't like in bed. YDI XP

mylifeisfuckeddd 0

Well at least you know how to get him off you now if your ever "not in the mood"

SirAwesome 0

What an idiot. Your boyfriend, not you. I'd give it to you harder, baby.

justcantlivealie 0

haha that made me laugh...thanks. no really its hilarious.

YDI. Dump the insecure ****** and get a real guy.

oh and 134, you're ******* retarded for using this as an attempt to pick up some poon. Kill yourself.

LMFAO. That type of talk usually lead to a girl walking funny the next day. Ditch the boy.

Zgirl 0

#9, that is hilarious! But, that reminds me of what I thought "talking dirty" was when I was a kid :P

Rule One for Sex: SHUT YOUR MIND OFF .. if you over think it you won't have fun. Let loose, slap some ass, talk dirty, have fun, and if in the end you're not completly ashamed of you're self.. do It AGAIN. :P