Oh yessss

By Anonymous - 29/07/2011 07:24 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend and I had sex, and it was my first time being on top. I got so into it that when I went to put my hands on the wall for support, the shelf above my bed snapped, with my favorite little cactus falling onto his face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 783
You deserved it 10 728

Same thing different taste


perdix 29

Now he knows what pricks to the face feels like. It must be sweet revenge for you.

but perhaps he likes pricks to the face. and up his ass ;)

mintcar 9

This is the second FML where someone was dumb enough to place a cactus right above their head. Your cactus can still grow a couple feet away OP.It doesn't need to placed right above the bed. In any case, FYboyfriend's life- that's a real boner killer. :D:D

BuffaloButt 5

why do you have a cactus in your room? I wonder what happened after.

omg LMFAO ur going to learn reverse cow girl soon and a dirty Sanchez

HahaYDI 0

At least it didn't land on his penis somehow. On the bright side now the two of you can have hot makeup sex later.

are you more sad about your cactus falling or it hitting him In the face?