Oh yessss

By Anonymous - 29/07/2011 07:24 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend and I had sex, and it was my first time being on top. I got so into it that when I went to put my hands on the wall for support, the shelf above my bed snapped, with my favorite little cactus falling onto his face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 783
You deserved it 10 728

Same thing different taste


X_Codes 11

Man should know better than to put his head under a cactus on a shelf. Woman should know better than to whack her head on random objects during sex.

wolfsheart 14

some people just have wowed fetishes.

Epsilonyx 15

I bet you guys got dirty and used it as a *****.

Hey, for you to be THAT into it would make it totally worth it.

beccap3291 0

Is it safe to have a pointy cactus above your bed, where your head and neck will be?

jzureikat24 0

69 people think you totally deserved it ;)

so, how's the cactus? Did it survive the S

not only did you just got better on top. now you just learned hot to make it more kinky