Oh yessss

By Anonymous - 29/07/2011 07:24 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend and I had sex, and it was my first time being on top. I got so into it that when I went to put my hands on the wall for support, the shelf above my bed snapped, with my favorite little cactus falling onto his face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 783
You deserved it 10 728

Same thing different taste


aturcios1 7

dangg that sucks..why would u have a cactus in ur room anyway

sammybearbby 6

ouchie, sorry haha. I'd feel so bad.

angrydinosaur 4

he deserves payback, so anal next time ok? suck it up! lmao

MissSunny 6

Obviously these days it takes a cactus falling on people to realize that it's prob NOT a good idea to put a cactus anywhere near where u are going to sleeping (or having sexy time). That cactus could end up in some places cacti should never be!

thats why i dont have a shelf above my bed...