Oh yessss

By Anonymous - 29/07/2011 07:24 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend and I had sex, and it was my first time being on top. I got so into it that when I went to put my hands on the wall for support, the shelf above my bed snapped, with my favorite little cactus falling onto his face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 783
You deserved it 10 728

Same thing different taste


FahKinSuhPah 4

This reminds of another FML involving a guy sleeping and a cactus landing on this face. There is a connection here lol

kaykay20 0

Why would you have a cactus above your bed? That's a terrible spot as you have found out the hard way..

Roflcopterasd_fml 0
Roflcopterasd_fml 0

have sex again tonight and make it 10times better like boobs in his face penis up ur hole to make up for it ;)

dearnessebewb 0

lol @ the lonely island refrences..:3

So you're saying that you're not the only who gets pricks in the face when you two have sex

you could've just put your hands on his chest

lol well that's a dumb place for a cactus. why would you put it above your head??