Old school cool

By Chimychunga - 01/08/2010 06:47 - United States

Today, while helping my dad look for his watch, I found his porn collection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 335
You deserved it 5 645

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Uhmm that's not mine that's your mothers"

fyl. not so bad if you were a dude... :/


nice, now you can blackmail him whenever you want something

thats a good thing isnt it :P borrow it when hes not home

it's a girl. although she could be a lesbian but probably not since this was an fml for her

So, only lesbians and men watch ****?

atleast you didn't find his new girlfriend or anything

op's dad must not b gettin any if he's still married there's no point in having ****

With that attitude, you're going to have a terrible sex life.

Lilmama2Uchickz 0

.Same thing happened 2 meh b4 n I juss threw it away....

okay i don't get the point of this being bad....unless he has some weird fetish ****