Old school prank

By Anonymous - 09/07/2009 01:34 - United States

Today, my cousin told me that the stop signs outlined with a white line were optional. Later, a cop pulled me over, when I asked why he said, "You ran that stop sign back there." I explained what my cousin had told me and he looked at me funny and replied, "All stop signs have a white outline." FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 920
You deserved it 111 672

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Penguin21 0

You deserved getting pulled over for actually believing that BS. Why would they put a traffic sign up if you didn't have to obey it? Sounds a bit stupid to me.

and how did you get a permit? or license or whatever you have? how old are you?


Hich17 0

Note to self: Never drive in Oklahoma.

jojothehobo 0

Hahaha. Why would you believe ANY stop sign is optional? Cops aren't that stupid. Not stopping can cause accidents... YDI.

I'm sure you're a blonde or at least related to one. and I'm laughing my ass off just reading the correspondence between all the comments. that in itself is funnier than the fml.

Your life is ****** because you're so stupid I'm surprised you can breathe.

I had one friend try to pull this on me, only he referred to white-bordered stop signs as "stoptional" - the catchy name didn't get me to believe it, but I did laugh pretty hard.

paper_flowers 0

Aaaand you never looked at your driver's manual? If it were optional (or anything close), it would say YIELD.

fmyoptical 0

Damn and you have your license too?

BGarden 0

YDI The person who gave you your license should get arrested too....

skullbuster 0

I have to assume you are under 18. I hope your parents immediately took your drivers license and keys away. With all the posters here talking about how common this story is, I am frightened to leave the house now in a car for fear that some moron will be blowing through the optional stop signs. I guess I'm going to have to get on mass transit where I run the risk of being molested by hobos.