Old school prank

By Anonymous - 09/07/2009 01:34 - United States

Today, my cousin told me that the stop signs outlined with a white line were optional. Later, a cop pulled me over, when I asked why he said, "You ran that stop sign back there." I explained what my cousin had told me and he looked at me funny and replied, "All stop signs have a white outline." FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 920
You deserved it 111 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Penguin21 0

You deserved getting pulled over for actually believing that BS. Why would they put a traffic sign up if you didn't have to obey it? Sounds a bit stupid to me.

and how did you get a permit? or license or whatever you have? how old are you?


x_LC_x 0

lmao I am soooo doing that to someone.

You're lucky you didn't kill someone. You're an idiot.

bright_rain 0

just for the record, this happened to me before I had my drivers license. My friends were teaching me to drive in the country and when we came to a stop sign he thought it would be hilarious to tell me that. I was so nervous to be driving that I believed him too! it happens

uareanidiot 0

Optional stop signs? Are you kidding me? What's next? Optional red lights?

triplethreat13 0

fake or not, this is freaking hilarious!!! i'd never heard it before, but wow it'll make a great prank for my cousin who just got his restricted license :)

ydi for being gullible. didnt you ever listen in drivers ed?

wtf, did you steal your driver's license?

they're called STOP signs for a reason jeez I knew what they meat since I was like 3 hahaha